August 4 to 24, 2024, we will seek the Lord together through a season of prayer. We welcome you to participate with us through daily prayer services. You can watch "on demand" the prayer service we follow by clicking on the "watch prayer services" button below.
JOIN US! Let us know you’re joining us in this time of fasting and prayer. We’ll keep you updated with details for our prayer services, resources, and more. Click the "Fasting Guidelines" button for a short guideline on fasting if you choose to fast.
JOIN US! Let us know you’re joining us in this time of fasting and prayer. We’ll keep you updated with details for our prayer services, resources, and more. Click the "Fasting Guidelines" button for a short guideline on fasting if you choose to fast.
Watch the Daily Prayer Service with Churches Around the World
Get ready to experience the power of seeking God through prayer and worship.
Get ready to experience the power of seeking God through prayer and worship.
Submit a Prayer Request
Let us know how we can agree with you in prayer during this season.
Let us know how we can agree with you in prayer during this season.